Originalni naučni rad/Original scientific paper
UDC 556.34:556.332.52(497.11)
DOI https://doi.org/10.7251/HER2327071M

Dragana Milijašević Joksimović1
1Geografski institut „Jovan Cvijić“ SANU, Beograd, Srbija


Sažetak: Zlotska reka je leva i najveća pritoka Crnog Timoka. Izvire na istočnim padinama Velikog Krša na Kučaju. U radu je statističkom analizom određen srednji godišnji proticaj, srednje male vode i srednje velike vode na hidrološkom profilu Zlot na Zlotskoj reci u periodu 1981–2015. godine. Na osnovu navedenih podataka procenjena je verovatnoća pojave minimalnih i maksimalnih proticaja od 0.01 % do 99.9 %. Za proračun verovatnoće pojave minimalnih i maksimalnih godišnjih proticaja korišćena je Pearson III raspodela. Koeficijenti varijacije maksimalnih i minimalnih godišnjih proticaja za Zlotsku reku ukazuju na značajno kolebanje proticaja na hidrološkom profilu Zlot. Dobijeni rezultati predstavljaju osnovu za buduća hidrološka istraživanja i vodoprivredno planiranje u slivu.

Ključne reči: Zlotska reka, proticaj, hidrološke prognoze, velike vode, male vode.


Dragana Milijašević Joksimović1
1Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA, Belgrade, Serbia


Abstract: Zlotska River is the left and largest tributary of Crni Timok River. It springs on the eastern slopes of the Veliki Krš Mountain in Kučaj. In the paper, statistical analysis was used to determine the mean annual flow of medium-low water levels and medium-high water levels on the Zlot hydrological profile on the Zlotska River in the period from 1981 to 2015. Based on these data, the probability of occurrence of minimum and maximum flows was estimated from 0.01 % to 99.9 %. The Pearson III distribution was used to calculate the probability of occurrence of minimum and maximum annual flows. The coefficients of variation of the maximum and minimum annual flows for the Zlot River indicate a significant flow fluctuation on the Zlot hydrological profile. The obtained results represent the basis for future hydrological research and water management planning in the basin.

Key words: Zlotska River, river flow, hydrological forecasts, low water levels, high water levels.

CITIRAJTE (Cite this article):

Milijašević Joksimović, D. (2023). Analiza proticaja i verovatnoće pojave malih i velikih voda na Zlotskoj reci. Glasnik/Herald, 27, 71‒83. https://doi.org/10.7251/HER2327071M

Milijašević Joksimović, D. (2023). Analysis of the Flow and Probability of the Occurrence of Low and High Water Levels on the Zlotska River. Glasnik/Herald, 27, 71‒83. https://doi.org/10.7251/HER2327071M

Autor za korespondenciju: Dragana Milijašević Joksimović, Geografski institut „Jovan Cvijić“ SANU, Đure Jakšića 9, 11000 Beograd, Srbija, E-mail: d.milijasevic@gi.sanu.ac.rs
Corresponding author: Dragana Milijašević Joksimović, Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA, Đure Jakšića 9, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, E-mail: d.milijasevic@gi.sanu.ac.rs