Originalni naučni rad/Original scientific paper
UDC 327h9112.3(497)
DOI 10.7251/HER1915003J
Petr Яkovlevič Baklanov
Rossiйskaя akademiя nauk (RAN); Tihookeanskiй institut geografii (TIG), Vladivostok, Rossiя
Annotaciя: Na makroэkonomičeskom urovne regionalьnoe razvitie čaщe vsego ponimaetsя kak socialьno-эkonomičeskiй rost v tom kli inom regione za opredelennый period vremeni, naprimer, za I god kli bolee, vыražennый čer ez prir ost čislennosti naseleniя, val ovыйr egionalьnыйpr odukt, indeksы r osta promыšl ennoй i selьskohozяйstvennoй produkcii, investiciй v osnovnoй kapital, i t.p. Odnako, predstavlяetsя, čto bolee polno i soderžatelьno regionalьnoe razvitie možno opredelitь, kak formirovanie i razvitie v regione territorialьnыh socialьno-эkonomičeskih struktur s ustoйčivыm prirostom эkonomičeskogo, socialьnogo i эkologičeskogo kačestv regionalьnogo razvitiя
Klюčevыe slova: geografičeskoe položenie, geopolitičeskie faktorы, regionalьnoe razvitie
Petr Yakovlevich Baklanov
Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS); Pacific Institute of Geography (PIG), Vladyvostok, Russia
Abstract: Macro-economically, development is usually referred to as the social-economic growth within a region in a specific time range (e.g. one year or longer) expressed via the increase of population, GDP, index of growth of industrial and agricultural production, investments in primary’ capital, etc. Nevertheless, it seems that the most complete and substantial
determination of regional development is the formation and development of teritorial social-economic structures within a legion accompanied with a stable growth of economic, social, and ecological qualities of regional development.
Key words: geographical position, geopolitical factors, regional development
CITIRAJTE (Cite this article):
Baklanov, P. Я. (2015). Geografičeskie i geopolitičeskie faktorы v regionalьnom razvitii. Herald, 19, 3−14. doi:10.7251/HER1915003J
Baklanov, P. Y. (2015). Geographical and Geopolitical Factors Within Regional Development. Herald, 19, 3−14. doi:10.7251/HER1915003J