Originalni naučni rad/Original scientific paper
UDC 338.1(497.6RS):911.375(497.6RS)
DOI 10.7251/HER2125121M


Mira Mandić1 i Dragica Delić1
1Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Banja Luka, Republika Srpska


Sažetak: U radu se analiziraju socijalnogeografske posljedice u geoprostoru Republike Srpske (RS) izazvane promjenama strukture privrede u uslovima tranzicije društvenog sistema. U fokusu rada je ukupnost geografske stvarnosti (geokomleksi, resursi, struktura privrede, demografska kretanja, urbani i infrastrukturni sistemi). Komparativnom analizom utvrđuju se promjene u strukturi privrede geoprostora RS u periodu 1990−2019. godine i njihova uzročno-posljedična refleksija na fizičkogeografske i socijalnogeografske strukture prostora i društva. Valorizacija ukupnih potencijala geoprostora, upravljanje razvojnim mogućnostima te pokretanje privrednih aktivnosti determinisani su percepcijom prostora i prostorno-funkcionalnom organizacijom, koji se suštinski mijenjaju u tranzicionim društvenim odnosima umanjujući razvojnu perspektivu. Prostor RS diferencira se na više i manje prosperitetna i problemska područja. U radu se sugerišu pristupi vrednovanju kapaciteta pojedinih geosistema i njihovih struktura (hidrosistemi, šumski sistemi, agrosistemi, naseobinski, itd.) i postupci u prostorno-funkcionalnom organizovanju. Rad ima teorijski i praktični značaj kroz argumentovanje razvojnih mogućnosti i razvojnih efekata proizašlih iz različitih pristupa vrednovanju geoprostora i sagledavanja mogućnosti integrisanja u savremene razvojne procese i potrebe modernog društva.
Ključne riječi: geoprostor, Republika Srpska, socijalnogeografske strukture, privreda, tranzicija, razvoj.




Mira Mandić1 and Dragica Delić1
1University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska


Abstract: The paper analyzes the socio-geographical consequences in the geospace of the Republic of Srpska (RS) caused by changes in the structure of the economy in the conditions of transition of the social system. The focus of the paper is the totality of geographical reality (geo-complexes, resources, economic structure, demographic trends, urban and infrastructural systems). The comparative analysis determines the changes in the structure of the economy of the geospace of the RS in the period from 1990 to 2019 and their cause-and-effect reflection on the physical-geographical and socio-geographical structures of space and society. Valorization of total geospace potentials, management of development opportunities and initiation of economic activities are determined by the perception of space and spatial-functional organization, which essentially change in transitional social relations, diminishing the development perspective. The RS space is differentiated into more and less prosperous and problem areas. The paper suggests approaches to evaluating the capacity of individual geosystems and their structures (hydro systems, forest systems, agro systems, settlement, etc.) and procedures in spatial-functional organization. The paper has theoretical and practical significance through the argumentation of development possibilities and development effects resulting from different approaches to the evaluation of geospace and consideration of the possibilities of integration into modern development processes and the needs of modern society.
Keywords: geospace, the Republic of Srpska, socio-geographical structures, economy, transition, development.

CITIRAJTE (Cite this article):

Mandić, M., & Delić, D. (2021). Socijalnogeografske posljedice promjena u strukturi privrede Republike Srpske. Glasnik/Herald, 25, 121‒142. https://doi.org/10.7251/HER2125121M

Mandić, M., & Delić, D. (2021). Socio-Geographical Consequences of Structural Changes in the Republic of Srpska’s Economy. Glasnik/Herald, 25, 121‒142. https://doi.org/10.7251/HER2125121M

Autor za korespondenciju: Mira Mandić, Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Mladena Stojanovića 2, 78000 Banja Luka, Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina, E-mail: mira.mandic@pmf.unibl.org

Corresponding author: Mira Mandić, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Mladena Stojanovića 2, 78000 Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, E-mail: mira.mandic@pmf.unibl.org