Originalni naučni rad / Original scientific paper
UDC: 338.486.1.02:636.32/.38(234.421)
DOI: 10.7251/HER2428069L

Januš Lač1 i Igor Bojko2
1Univerzitet u Vroclavu, Fakultet za nauke o Zemlji i upravljanje životnom sredinom, Vroclav, Poljska
2Ukrajinska akademija nauka u Lavovu, Lavov, Ukrajina


Sažetak: Ovaj rad analizira potcijenjeni potencijal ekonomije ovčarstva u krčenim prostorima flišnih područja poljskih i ukrajinskih Karpata u cilju kreiranja regionalnog turističkog proizvoda sa razgledanjem znamenitosti i etno-turizmom. Oživljavanje sezonskih stočarskih kretanja u Poljskoj i Ukrajini predstavlja veliku turističku atrakciju za posjetioce Karpata, što doprinosi zaštiti kako planinskih livada koje su dio evropske baštine pejzaža, tako i vlaške materijalne kulturno-ekonomske baštine. Motivacija i očekivanja turista koji posjećuju planinske vijence Karpata nisu ograničeni samo na divljenje pastirskom pejzažu, koji u srednje visokim i niskim planinskim vijencima predstavlja mozaik šuma i livada. Krčevine u šumama sa malim brojem stoke, kao što su ovce ili krave, formiraju pejzaž ovčarstva u krčenim područjima, ukorijenjen u vlaškom pastirstvu, što čini važan dio prirodne i kulturne baštine Karpata. Rad prikazuje strukturu i funkciju ovčarstva u krčenim područjima i njegov uticaj na vrijednost prirodnog i kulturnog pejzaža poljskih i ukrajinskih Spoljašnjih Karpata, što može postati osnova za kreiranje turističkog proizvoda zasnovanog na ovčarstvu koje dopunjuje postojeće tematske pastirske staze, kao što je Staza vlaške kulture. Autori se pozivaju na organizacije koje promovišu kreiranje pastirskih turističkih atrakcija i naglašavaju da je dodatna vrijednost koju nudi ekonomija ovčarstva u krčenim područjima, kao dominirajući element karpatskog pejzaža, još potcijenjena. Sezonsko pastirsko ovčarenje i seosko ovčarenje mogu postati novitet u planinskom turizmu, koji, uz znatan doprinos etničke komponente u baštini pastirstva i ovčarstva, može postati savremeni trend u kulturnom turizmu širom Karpata i primjer očuvanja temelja kulture gorštaka ukorijenjene u vlaškom pastirstvu.

Ključne riječi: Karpati, vlaška baština, tradicionalni pejzaž, pejzaži ovčarstva, očuvanje pejzaža, razgledanje znamenitosti i etno-turizam.



Janusz Łach1 and Igor Bojko2
1University of Wrocław, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Environmental Management, Wrocław, Poland
2Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine


Abstract: This article discusses the underestimated potential of the clearing-based sheep-farming economy in the flysch area of the Polish and Ukrainian Carpathians for creating a regional tourist product of sightseeing and ethnic nature. The reviving shacking shepherding in Poland and Ukraine is a great tourist attraction for those visiting the Carpathians, leading to the protection of both mountain meadows constituting European landscape heritage and the material cultural-economic heritage of Vlachian origins. The motivations and expectations of the tourists visiting the mountain ranges of the Carpathians are not limited to mere admiration of the shepherding landscape, which in the medium-height and low mountain ranges displays the mosaic pattern of forests and meadows. Clearings in the forests with small numbers of grazing sheep or cows form a clearing-based sheep-farming landscape rooted in Vlachian shepherding, constituting an important element of the natural and cultural heritage of the Carpathians. This article shows the structure and function of the clearing-based sheep-farming and its impact on the value of the natural and cultural landscape of the Polish and Ukrainian Outer Carpathians, which may become the basis for creating a clearing-based sheep-farming tourist product complementing the existing thematic shepherding trails, such as the Trail of the Vlachian Culture. The authors refer to the organisations promoting the creation of the shepherding tourist attraction and emphasise the fact that the added value offered by clearing-based sheep-farming economy – a dominating feature of the Carpathian landscape – is still being underestimated. Shacking sheep-farming and village-based sheep-farming may become a novelty in mountain tourism, which – with a considerable contribution of the ethnic component in the shepherding and sheep-farming heritage – may become a contemporary trend in cultural tourism in the whole range of the Carpathians and an example of preservation of the origins of the highlanders’ culture rooted in the Vlachian shepherding heritage.

Keywords: The Carpathians, Vlachian heritage, traditional landscape, sheep-farming landscapes, landscape conservation, sightseeing-ethnic tourism.

CITIRAJTE (Cite this article):

Lač, J., & Bojko, I. (2024). Uloga ekonomije ovčarstva zasnovane na krčenju u kreiranju turističkog proizvoda – trenutno stanje i perspektive razvoja u kontekstu zaštite karpatskih pejzaža. Glasnik/Herald, 28, 69‒101. https://doi.org/10.7251/HER2428069L

Łach, J., & Bojko, I. (2024). The Role of Clearing-Based Sheep-Farming Economy in Creating a Tourist Product – Current Situation and Perspectives of Development in the Context of Protection of Carpathian Landscapes. Glasnik/Herald, 28, 69‒101. https://doi.org/10.7251/HER2428069L

Autor za korespondenciju: Januš Lač, Univerzitet u Vroclavu, Fakultet za nauke o Zemlji i upravljanje životnom sredinom, Univerzitetski trg 1, 50–137 Vroclav, Poljska, E-mail: janusz.lach@uwr.edu.pl

Corresponding author: Janusz Łach, University of Wrocław, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Environmental Management, Plac Uniwersytecki 1, 50–137 Wrocław, Poland, E-mail: janusz.lach@uwr.edu.pl